In 3 months, 450,000 Christmas products, the original brain-burning and money-burning

According to statistics from the British Advertising Association, in 2017, brands spent a record 6 billion pounds on Christmas marketing. Faced with a lot of marketing, Max once shared his own Christmas experience in class. He once worked with a team of 10 people to design a display venue for a Christmas supplier. Not only that, some merchants who love to plan ahead even started planning winter Christmas in summer, and Max met such a party. He worked with a team of nearly 40 people. So far, they have been fighting for this Christmas for 3 months and have achieved excellent results-they have created 450,000 Christmas products for this Christmas.

Max, who is well versed in Christmas business opportunities, also admitted that Christmas revenue will account for a large proportion of the annual turnover. In fact, although Christmas is a traditional Western holiday, China is the largest producer of Christmas products, and the customs system has even set up a "Christmas Articles" entry to make statistics on the export of Christmas decorations. Not only that, with the increasing acceptance of Western culture in recent years, the Chinese people have also officially included Christmas as a holiday to spend. Whether it is online e-commerce or offline shopping malls, Christmas is something everyone has to dominate. A high ground.
